The Navy in Sitka



Photos Page ONE








The following photos are from the Johnson Collection at the Isabel Miller Museum in Sitka.  Mr. Johnson was an Army photographer.  The number under each photo is its collection number.  All photos below are property of the Sitka Historical Society.  I have created the captions and am responsible for any errors.  


Navy Photos Page TWO


Navy Photos Page THREE


Navy Photos Page FOUR




Navy Photos Page FIVE







7574 - A spectacular photo of a camouflaged US Navy patrol boat.  This may be a converted civilian vessel.  Note the depth charges on the rear of the boat and the 4 canvas-covered machine guns


7578 - A NAS Sitka fuel truck at Fort Ray.






7589 - Sailors view Sitka from their visiting vessel tied up at the US Navy dock on Japonski Island.  (Currently the USCG vessel Maple uses the dock.)


7590 - Another view of the visiting ship






7614 - The Sitka waterfront during the war years.


7615 - A view from the top of some sort of conveyor belt tower.  Note the visiting US Navy ship and town across the channel






7616 - A view from the Machine gun tower on Harbor Island.  Note the US Navy floatplane in the bay.


7617 - Another view from the conveyor tower.






7618 - Another view from the conveyor tower.


7621 - This clearly shows the causeway between Japonski and Harbor Islands.  Note that the Millerville houses are at the far left, and the NAS tarmac is visible at the right.






7767 - A PBY squadron on its way to Alaska


7768 - A sinking PBY at NAS Sitka.






7772 - One of my favorite photos of Mt. Edgecumbe, probably taken from a NAS Sitka aircraft.


7868 - A military band on the NAS Sitka tarmac


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