Harbor Defenses of Sitka, Alaska



LOCATION : Shoals Point








Recent photos of Battery Allen at Shoals Point.  These Photos are from 2004 and 2005.





Panorama of Battery Allen.  The concrete structure near Gun No. 1 is the Battery Command (BC) station.


A view of the BC station and Gun No. 1 from the beach in front of Battery 290.






The BC station for Battery Allen


The concrete pedestal inside the BC station.  Note that there is no roof to the station today.






The top of the concrete pedestal is crushed.


Some chicken wire with camouflage netting still present.  This is next to the emplacement for Gun No. 1






The corner of the pedestal mount for Gun No. 1.  I dug to confirm the location of the gun emplacement in March 2004.


This view of the emplacement shows clearly the roundedness of the mound that led me to believe it was the gun emplacement.






A close up of the raised pedestal mount shows that the Army cut away the bolts when they removed the guns.


Another view of Gun No. 1






This is a view of Gun No. 2


This is a view from the beach of the gun emplacement.  I cleared a few shrubs and dead trees to make it accessible.






I dug out a corner of the pedestal mount to investigate its construction.


There is a steel pad positioned on top of wooden boards.  There is a concrete pad beneath the wooden boards.






Note the size of the bolts.


This view of the emplacement shows all of the bolts that are visibly protruding from the sandy ground.


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